Event parking

Event parking operations are a critical component of any successful event. It is the responsibility of event organizers to ensure that parking is arranged for guests, staff, and vendors. SIGEN provide event parking operations, as well as tips for creating an effective event parking plan.


Event parking considerations
Event parking can be a complex operation and requires careful planning. It is important to consider the size of the event, the type of vehicles that will be arriving, and the number of parking spaces available. Event organizers should also consider the location and accessibility of the parking lot, the cost of parking, and any special requirements such as handicap parking.

Event parking operations tasks
Once the basics of event parking have been determined, event organizers must create a plan for managing the parking operations. This plan should include the number of parking attendants needed, the location of parking attendants, the process for collecting fees, and the process for directing traffic. It is also important to consider the safety of guests and staff, and to provide adequate lighting and security personnel.

Finally, event organizers should create a system for monitoring parking operations. This system should include a record of all vehicles entering and leaving the event, a record of all parking fees collected, and a record of any incidents that occur.